Staff Reporter August 3, 2022 Subscribe Tibet Corps provides a platform to Tibetan professionals, university students, and retirees, an opportunity to serve the CTA through voluntary service. The program seeks to inspire Tit to strengthen the community, its institutions and the Central Tibetan Administration. Selection Procedure: Dhang–Sha–Pas willing to serve the Central Tibetan Administration can obtain information by visiting Tibet Corps website ( Interested Dhang–Shab–Pas can submit their resume and cover letter. The cover letter should clearly mention the area of work they wish to serve in. If presently working in any organisation, no objection certificate letter. Responsibilities and Time Limit for Dhang–Shab–Pas: Dhang–shab–pas will receive an orientation from Tibet Corps prior to starting their service. Dhang-shab-pas will have specific roles and responsibilities once they are enrolled in their positions. These responsibilities must be carried out within the duration of a service. Duration of service will be a minimum 3 months & a maximum of one year. Dhang–shab–pa Benefits: Dhang–shab–pas who serve in Dharamshala and who do not have a place to stay in Dharamsala will be accommodated on a …
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