Tuesday, February 18 2025

Support Groups


Name Contact Information 
Arizona Friends of Tibet P.O. Box 1116

Sahuarita, AZ 85629-1116

+1 (520) 477-6943 tel


American Himalayn Foundation 909 Montgomery St.

Suite 400

San Francisco, CA 94133

Phone: (415) 288-7245

Email: info@himalayan-foundation.org

Bay Area Friends of Tibet 1310 Fillmore Street, Suite 401

San Francisco, CA 94115


Chaksam-pa, Tibetan Dance and Opera Company 744 P Street, Suite 307

Fresno, CA 93721

(559) 237 – 9812


Committee of 100 for Tibet PO Box 60612

Palo Alto, CA 94306


1 415-347-1950


Sierra Friends of Tibet P.O. Box 1594

Nevada City, CA 95959



Tibet Association of Northern California 5200 Huntington Avenue

Suite 200, Richmond

Phone:(510) 666-1355

Email: contact@tanc.org

Tibetan Association of Southern California P.O. Box 3298

Culver City, CA 90231.

Call: (818) 538-9842

Email: info@SoCalTibet.org

Tibet Environmental Watch Email: catchnorbu@gmail.com


Tibet Justice Center 440 Grand Ave, Suite 425

Oakland, CA 94610, USA


Tibetan Aid Foundation P.O. Box 1112

Ojai, CA 93024

Tel: 805 798-2768

E-Mail: info@tibetanaid.org

Tibetan Aid Project 1815 Highland Place,

Berkeley, CA 94709, USA

Phone: 510.848.4238


Vajrayana Foundation

2013 Eureka Canyon Rd., Watsonville,CA 95076

Phone: (831) 761-6266

Email: office@vajrayana.org

Friends of Tibetan Settlements in India 

Email: chela@jila.colorado.edu 


Surmang Foundation 5963 Brandywine Court

Boulder, CO 80301

(888) 439-9991

Amicus Foundation 4217 Waipua Street 

Kilauea, Hawaii 96754 USA


(+1) (808) 828-2828

Tibetan Alliance of Chicago 2422 Dempster Street | Evanston, Illinois 60202

President’s Phone:  (847) 287-5667 


Mindfulness Center of Maine 129 Smutty Lane

Saco,ME, 04072, USA

Phone: 207-294-3377


Tibetan Youth Congress of Minnesota Email: rtycmn@gmail.com
Tibetan American Foundation of Minnesota Phone: 651-917- 9556

Email: office@tafm.org


Tibetan Children’s Education Fund www.tibetanchildrenseducation.org
Students For a Free Tibet 602 East 14th Street,

2nd Floor New York, 

NY 10009 USA 

(212) 358-0071


Tibet Fund Phone : 212-213-5011

Email: info@tibetfund.org

241 East, New York, NY 10016

Tibet House 22 West 15th Street, 

New York, NY 10011  

P. 212-807-0563  

F. 212-807-0565

Tibet Aid 34 Tinker Street Woodstock, New York 12498-1233


United States Tibet Committee 241 East 32nd Street

NY, NY 10016

Phone: 212-481-3569

Tibetan Association of Santa Fe 915 Hickox Street

Santa Fe, NM 87505

(505) 216-6620

Northwest Tibetan Cultural Association PO Box 20667, Portland, OR 97294 


Tibetan Association of Washington P.O. BOX 77623

Seattle, WA 98177 – 0623

Phone: (206) 501-0144

Solutions in Action P.O. Box 266 Williams, OR 

97544 USA

Phone: 650-851-3204

Tibetan Association of Philadelphia P.O. Box #41063, Philadelphia, PA 19127 

Phone: 215-435-3824

Email: phillytibetans@gmail.com

Tibetan Nuns Project 815 Seattle Boulevard S. #216

Seattle, WA 98134


Phone: 206-652-8901

Email: info@tnp.org

The Conservancy for Tibetan Art and Culture 1825 Eye Street, NW Suite 400

Washington, DC 20006 USA

Phone: 202-828-6288

International Campaign for Tibet 1825 Jefferson Place NW

Washington, DC 20036

Phone: 202-785-1515


Chenrezig Fund 211 Campbell St.

Madison, WI 53711-2203




Name Contact Information
Canada Tibet Committee 1425 René-Lévesque Blvd West, 3rd Floor 

Montréal (Québec)

Canada, H3G 1T7

Tel: 514.487.0665

Trans-Himalayan Aid Society 1183 Melville St., Vancouver, V6E 2X5

Phone: 604.224.5133

Gaden Relief Projects 637 Christie Street

Toronto, Ontario

M6G 3E6


Ottawa Friends of Tibet 400 Piccadilly Ave. North

Ottawa, Ontario

K1Y 0H4

Tel: 613-736-6942