Wednesday, March 19 2025

Authored Books

Books authored by H. H. the Dalai Lama

1. My Land and My People, Potala Publications, New York, 1962

2. The Opening of the Wisdom Eye, The Theosophical Publishing House, Illinois, 1966

3. The Buddhism of Tibet and the Key to the Middle Way, Translated by Jeffrey Hopkins and Lati Rinpoche, Wisdom Publication, London, 1975

4. Universal Responsibility and the Good Heart, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, 1977

5. Advice from Buddha Shakyamuni, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, 1982

6. Four Essential Buddhist Commentaries, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, 1982

7. Kindness, Clarity and Insight, Translated and edited by Jeffery Hopkins, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1984

8. A Human Approach to World Peace, Wisdom Publication, London, 1984

9. Opening of the Eye of New Awareness, Translated by Donald S. Lopez with Jeffrey Hopkins; Wisdom Publication, London, 1985

10. Kalachakra: Rite of Initiation, Wisdom Publication, Boston, 1985

11. The Union of Bliss and Emptiness, Translated by Dr. Thupten Jinpa, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1988

12. The Bodh Gaya Interviews, Translated, edited and annotated by B. Alan Wallace, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1988

13. Transcendent Wisdom, Translated and edited by Jeffery Hopkins, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1988

14. The Dalai Lama at Harvard, Translated and edited by Jeffery Hopkins, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1988

15. Ocean of Wisdom, Clear Light Publications, New Mexico, 1989

16. The Meaning of Life, Translated by Jefferey Hopkins, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1990

17. Policy of Kindness, Compiled and edited by Sidney Piburn, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1990

18. The Nobel Peace Prize and the Dalai Lama, Compiled and edited by Sidney Piburn, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1990

19. My Tibet, Co-author: Galen Rowell, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1990

20. The Global Community and the Need for Universal Responsibility, Wisdom Publications, Boston, 1990

21. Freedom in Exile, Harper Collins, New York, 1991

22. Compassion and the Individual, Wisdom Publications, Boston, 1991

23. The Path to Bliss, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1991

24. Cultivating a Daily Meditations, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, 1991

25. Mind Science: An East-West Dialogue, Co-authors: Herbert Benson, Robert A. Thurman, Howard E. Gardner and Daniel Goleman, Wisdom Publications, Boston, 1991

26. Words of Truth, Wisdom Publications, Boston, 1993

27. The Meaning of Life from a Buddhist Perspective, Translated and edited by Jeffery Hopkins; Wisdom Publications, Boston, 1993

28. A Flash of Lightening in the Dark of Night, Shambhala Publications, Boston, 1994

29. The World of Tibetan Buddhism, Translated, edited and annotated by Dr. Thupten Jinpa; Wisdom Publications, Boston, 1995

30. The Power of Compassion, Harper Collins, New Delhi, 1995

31. The Way to Freedom, Edited by John Avedon and Donald S. Lopez; Harper Collins, New Delhi, 1995

32. Commentary on the Thirty Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva, Translated by Acharya Nyima Tsering, edited by Vyvvan Cayley and Mike Gilmore, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, 1995

33. Awakening the Mind, Lightening the Heart, Edited by John Avedon and Donald S. Lopez; Harper Collins, New York, 1995

34. Dialogues on Universal Responsibility and Education, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, 1995

35. Dimensions of Spirituality, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1995

36. The Path to Enlightenment, Translated and edited by Glenn H. Mullin, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1995

37. Essential Teachings, 1995

38. Violence and Compassion/ Power of Buddhism, Co-author: Jean Claude Carriare, Doubleday, New York, 1995

39. The Spirit of Tibet: Universal Heritage-Selected and Writings, Edited by A. A. Shiromany, Tibetan Parliamentary and Policy Research Center, New Delhi, 1995

40. The Good Heart- A Buddhist Perspective on the Teachings of Jesus, Wisdom Publications, Boston, 1996

41. Beyond Dogma, Souvenir Press Ltd., London, 1996

42. Healing Anger: The Power of Patience from a Buddhist Perspective, Translated by Dr. Thupten Jinpa, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1997

43. Love, kindness and Universal Responsibility, Paljor Publications, New Delhi, 1997

44. The Heart of Compassion, Foundation for Universal Responsibility, Delhi, 1997

45. The Joy of Living and Dying in Peace, Edited by John Avedon and Donald S. Lopez; Harper Collins, New York, 1997

46. The Gelug/Kagyu Tradition of Mahamudra, Co-author: Alexander Berzin; Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1997

47. The Art of Happiness, Co-author: Howard C. Cutler, Riverhead Books, New York, 1998

48. The Path to Tranquility- Daily Mediations, Compiled and edited by Dr. Renuka Singh, Penguin Books, New Delhi, 1998

49. The Four Noble Truths, Translated by Dr. Thupten Jinpa, edited by Dominique Side and Dr.Thupten Jinpa, Thorsons, London, 1998

50. The Political Philosophy of His Holiness the Dalai Lama-Selected Speeches and Writings, Edited by A. A. Shiromany, Tibetan Parliamentary and Policy Research Center, New Delhi, 1998

51. Ancient Wisdom, Modern World-Ethics for a New Millennium, Little Brown and Company, London, 1999

52. The Little Book of Buddhism, Compiled and edited by Dr. Renuka Singh, Penguin Books, New Delhi, 1999 and 2000

53. The Heart of the Buddha’s Path, Translated by Dr. Thupten Jinpa, edited by Dominique Side and Dr.Thupten Jinpa, Thorsons, London, 1999

54. Transforming the Mind, Translated by Dr. Thupten Jinpa, edited by Dominique Side and Dr.Thupten Jinpa, Thorsons, London, 2000

55. Stages of Meditation, Translated by Geshe Lobsang Jordhen, Lobsang Choephel Ganchenpa and Jeremy Russell; Snow Lion, Ithaca, 2001

56. An Open Heart, Little Browns and Company, 2001

57. The Spirit of Peace, Thorsons Element, London, October 2002

58. How to Practice, Co-author: Jeffrey Hopkins; Pocket Books, 2002

59. Essence of the Heart Sutra, Wisdom Publications, 2002

60. Advice from the Heart, Thorsons Element, April 2003

61. Compassion or Competition (A Discussion on Human Values in Business and Economics), with other contributors, Ashoka Publishers, Rotterdam

62. Advice on Dying, Translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins, Random House, London, 2002

63. Illuminating the Path to Enlightenment, Thubten Dhargye Ling, Long Beach, 2002

64. The Compassionate Life, Wisdom Publications, Boston, 2003

65. Warm Heart Open Mind, The Dalai Lama Trust NZ, 2003

66. The Wisdom of Forgiveness, Co-authors: Victor Chan, Riverhead Books, New York, 2004

67. Art of Happiness at Work, Co-auhored with Howard C. Cutler; Riverhead Trade (September 7, 2004)

68. The Universe in a Single Atom – The Convergence of Science and Spirituality, Morgan Road Books, New York, 2005

69. Yoga Tantra Paths to Magical Seats, Co-authors: Dzong-ka-ba and Jeffery Hopkins, Snow Lion Publication, Ithaca, 2005

70. Widening the Circle of Love, translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins, Rider, 2005

71. Lighting the Path, Teachings on Wisdom and Compassion, translated by Geshe Tubten Jinpa, 2005

72. Path of Wisdom, Path of Peace – A Personal Conversation, Co-authored with Felizitas Von Schoenborn, Crossroad Publishing, 2005

73. Teachings on je Tsong Khapa’s Three Pincipal Aspects of the Path, translated by Ven. Lhakdor and edited by Jeremy Russell, Library of Tibetan Works & Archives, Dharamsala, 2006

74. Activating Bodhichitta and a Meditation on Compassion, Library of Tibetan Works & Archives, Dharamsala, 2006

75. Mind in Comfort and Ease – The Vision of Enlightenment in the Great Perfection, Wisdom Publications, London, 2007

76. Dalai Lama at MIT, edited by Anne Harrington and Arthur Zajonc, Harvard Univ Press, 2008

77. In My Own Words – An Introduction to My Teachings and Philosophy, edited by Rajiv Mehrotra, Hay House, 2008

78. Becoming Enlightened, translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins; Rider, 2009

79. Emotional Awareness; Co-authored with Paul Ekman; Holt, 2009

80. Art of Happiness in a Troubled World, Co-authored with Howard C. Cutler,Doubleday, New York, 2009

81. All You Ever Wanted to Know About Happiness, Life and Living; compiled by Rajiv Mehrotra; Hay House, 2009

82. Leaders’s Way – Business, Buddhism and Happiness in an Interconnected World, Co-authored with Laurens van den Muyzenberg, Nicholas Brearley, 2009

83. The Middle Way – Faith Grounded in Reason, translated by Thubten Jinpa, Wisdom Publications, London, 2009

84. Towards a True Kinship of FaithsHow the world’s religions can come together, Doughleday Religion, New York 2010

85: My Spiritual Autobiography, with Sofia Stril-rever, HarperOne, 2010

86: Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World, Houghton Millflin Harcourt, 2012

87: The Wisdom of Compassion, with Victor Chan, Riverhead, 2013

88: The Heart of Meditation, translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins; Shambhala, 2016

89: The Book of Joy, with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Douglas Abrams; Penguin Random House, 2016