Wednesday, October 9 2024

Devotees from Taiwan offer Long Life Prayers to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

Dharamshala: When His Holiness the Dalai Lama reached the gate to his residence, on his way to the Tsuglagkhang, the Main Tibetan Temple, this morning, representatives of the Taiwanese patrons stepped forward to greet him. As the congregation chanted the ‘Mig-tse-ma’ prayer in praise of Tsongkhapa, and with monks playing horns taking the lead, he drove to the temple. Taiwanese bhikshus—monks—lined both sides of the aisle.

Having taken the lift to the first floor of the temple, His Holiness stopped to survey the crowd in the courtyard, smiling and waving to them. As he walked around the Kalachakra Temple he waved to the nuns seated inside and blessed the handfuls of rosaries held out to him through the windows.

In the temple His Holiness greeted Ganden Tri Rinpoché and Jangtsé Chöjé Rinpoché. Once he had taken his seat, the Presiding Lama, Changkya Rinpoché, offered him a silk scarf. Tea and ceremonial sweet rice were served to the gathering. To Changkya Rinpoché’s right sat the Taiwanese Abbot, Tenzin Khetsun and to his left was Namgyal Monastery Lobpön, Lobsang Dhargyey.

Today’s ceremony was based on the ‘Offering to the Spiritual Master’—Lama-Chöpa. At a certain point tsog-offerings were presented to the Vajra Master. A procession of people bearing offerings of statues and so forth passed up from the courtyard and through the temple. Changkya Rinpoché offered a mandala and representations of the body, speech and mind of enlightenment to His Holiness. The Ganden Tri Rinpoché then made a similar offering.

As the Prayer for His Holiness’s Long Life composed by his two Tutors, Ling Rinpoché and Trijang Rinpoché was recited, representatives of the patrons approached His Holiness to pay their respects and seek his blessings. Towards the end of the procession a Chinese-style elderly man paid his respects to His Holiness. With a great shock of white hair and a white beard, he represented long life, holding peaches in one hand and a staff topped with a carved horse’s head in the other.

On behalf of the members of the International Association of Tibetan Buddhism of Taiwan (IATBT) and the more than 1,220 people who had attended these teachings, as well as disciples who maintain unwavering devotion to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Hu Mao Hua Ming, President IATBT, made a fervent request. He began with a verse of homage from the ‘Thirty-seven Practices of Bodhisattvas.’

I pay constant homage through my three doors,
To my supreme teacher and protector Chenrezig,
Who while seeing all phenomena lack coming and going,
Makes single-minded effort for the good of living beings.

“Having offered this respectful prayer, as an auspicious request for the life of the supreme Dalai Lama, guide of gods and humans, omniscient and great seer, pillar of the Buddha’s doctrine, to remain firm for a hundred eons, and for the light of his love and compassion to bestow happiness and well-being upon all sentient beings forever, we present this long-life offering today.

“More than six hundred years ago, when the venerable master Jé Tsongkhapa came into the world, in addition to the teachings of fundamental discipline, he clarified the practice of the three stages of the path. Likewise, thanks to the compassion of successive incarnations of the Dalai Lama, not only have the Tibetan people benefited, but incomparable activities have been carried out to preserve, maintain, and spread the teachings of the Buddha.

“At this time, when human minds are not peaceful and nations are overwhelmed by conflict, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has given specific teachings on ‘love and compassion’ and ‘the view of interdependence and non-violent conduct.’ This has not only increased the understanding of believers, but also generated joy and appreciation even among those with no faith.

“Thanks to the numerous teachings that His Holiness has tirelessly imparted for more than sixty years, we, devoted Chinese disciples, have developed a special connection with Tibetan Buddhism, increasing our understanding of the Dharma and inner peace, and recognizing the value of life.

“His Holiness has visited Taiwan three times. First in 1997, when he gave teachings and empowerments, participated in dialogues, and made speeches. Later, he also offered comfort, teachings and empathy to people affected by natural disasters. His kindness is immeasurable.

“The title ‘Dalai Lama’ is not simply a rank but a symbol of love and peace. Your Holiness, you are not only the vital pillar of the Tibetan people, but also the crown jewel of those who uphold the Buddha’s teachings. To the world at large, you are the embodiment of compassion and wisdom. Your activities are indispensable, not only to the Tibetan people, but to Buddhism and humanity as a whole.

“When His Holiness gave teachings at Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in southern India on 2nd January 2016, he said: “When we first arrived as refugees in India, we knew no one but the earth below and the sky above. But, because we were able to work together, we have achieved good results.” These words touched us deeply.

“Without the leadership of His Holiness, a great bodhisattva with farsighted vision, who works for the well-being of all beings, it would have been absolutely impossible for the precious teachings of the Buddha to have spread so widely around the world. The more we reflect on this, the more we realize that the kindness of His Holiness is beyond thought and word.

“Here, on behalf of all Chinese students, I fervently pray that the life of His Holiness remains firm for a hundred eons and that the wheel of Dharma continues to turn forever. I also earnestly request that, for the benefit of the teachings and all beings, the reincarnation lineage of the Dalai Lamas continues uninterrupted, as it has from the past to the present. It is imperative that sentient beings of the future can directly meet with Guru Avalokiteshvara, receive his teachings and blessings. Please, please, please grant our petition.”

His Holiness then briefly addressed the gathering.

“Today, you, people of Taiwan, have offered this ceremony for my long life. I pray that where Buddhism has declined it may flourish and where it has not yet spread it may be propagated. In China and elsewhere there is growing interest in what the Buddhadharma has to say. I have worked hard to see Buddhism thrive in Tibet, China and Mongolia.

“We Tibetans have preserved the entire teaching of the Buddha, but we still tend to put too much effort into performing rituals. Those who practise and meditate are relatively rare. As a child, I too wasn’t very interested in study or practice, but as I grew older I came to appreciate the practical benefits of upholding the Three Trainings. And for that reason, I have practised and shared the teaching with friends who were interested.

“In my dreams I’ve seen indications that I may live to be more than a hundred and ten years old.

“Wherever those of us from Tibet, China and Mongolia find ourselves, we are all the same in being human. As I’ve said, Buddhism has now spread to other parts of the world. When I meet scientists, I’m a scientist. When I meet religious people, I too am religious. I pray that Buddhism may not just survive, but will flourish. That’s all. Tashi delek.”

Changkya Rinpoché offered a mandala and representations of the body, speech and mind of enlightenment to His Holiness in thanksgiving for his accepting the request to live long.

As Taiwanese disciples approached the throne, a key verse from the ‘Offering to the Spiritual Master’—Lama-Chöpa—was said.

You are the Guru; you are the Deity; you are the Skyfarers and Religious Protectors.
From now until enlightenment, I shall seek no refuge other than you.
In this life, the intermediate state and all future lives, hold me with your hook of compassion.
Free me from fears of cyclic existence and peace, grant all attainments,
Be my constant friend and guard me against interference.

There followed a review of the stages of the path to enlightenment as laid out in the ‘Offering to the Spiritual Master’. As has become customary, the ceremony concluded with a recitation of the ‘Prayer of the Words of Truth’, which ends:

Thus, the protector Chenrezig made vast prayers
Before the Buddhas and Bodhisativas
To fully embrace the Land of Snows;
May the good results of these prayers now quickly appear.

By the profound interdependence of emptiness and relative forms,
And the force of great compassion in the Three Jewels and their Words of Truth,
And through the power of the infallible law of actions and their fruits,
May this truthful prayer be unhindered and quickly fulfilled.

Taiwanese patrons leading the waiting to lead the way as His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrives at the Main Tibetan Temple to attend a Long Life Prayer in Dharamshala, HP, India on 1 October 2024. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

Hu Mao Hua Ming, President of the International Association of Tibetan Buddhism of Taiwan (IATBT) making fervent requests to His Holiness the Dalai Lama during the Long Life Prayer at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamshala, HP, India on 1 October 2024. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

Members of the audience from Taiwan listening to the proceedings during the Long Life Prayer offered to His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamshala, HP, India on 1 October 2024. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

His Holiness the Dalai Lama addressing the congregation during the Long Life Prayer at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamshala, HP, India on 1 October, 2024. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

His Holiness the Dalai Lama waving to the crowd as he returns to his residence after attending a Long Life Prayer at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamshala, HP, India on 1 October, 2024. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

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