Tuesday, March 4 2025

Workshop for Tibetan Language Teachers in North America

Washington DC: Tibetan Community Development Fund, Washington DC is organizing ‘Workshop for Tibetan Language Teachers in North America’ from July 20-22, 2018 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. it is being facilitated by Tibetan American Foundation of Minnesota.

The workshop will provide training on class management, child psychology, pedagogy and use of technology for effective teaching/learning for about 50 teachers from various Tibetan Associations in North America.

North America has now become home to more than 31,000 Tibetans according to our recent survey. Tibetan communities have organized themselves into Tibetan Associations under the auspices of Office of Tibet, DC. There are presently, 24 such Associations in US and 5 in Canada.

One of the biggest concerns of Tibetan immigrants, parents and children alike has been the challenge in preserving their rich language and culture. While it is seen positive in integrating into the mainstream American life, it is thought necessary not to assimilate into it-by losing your culture, language and identity.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Central Tibetan Administration have always laid importance in preserving our language, not only because, of it represents your national identity, and cultural heritage but also, the tremendous power of Tibetan language in understanding and dissemination of love and compassion to the fullest extent. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has proudly mentioned that Tibetan language is the only language that explains the concept of profound Buddhist teachings and practices to the highest levels. Tibetan Language can therefore, be reckoned as one of the precious assets of the world heritage.

Threat to the Tibetan Language:
Tibetan language is threatened both externally and internally. Usage of Tibetan Language is completely discouraged in it’s homeland – Tibet through various pressures, including imprisonment and detentions etc. All possible measures are applied to discourage the use of this language. Along side, the Tibetan diaspora are influenced strongly by the prevailing environment that it is a challenge to preserve our language and culture. Concerted effort is therefore the need of the hour!

His Holiness and the Central Tibetan Administration
His Holiness has been the staunchest advocate of preserving Tibetan language. He has repeatedly, advised during his extensive visits to the settlements in India and and abroad, about the importance of preserving Tibetan Language. Following His Holiness’s advice, the Department of Education of the Central Tibetan Administration has taken several initiatives in this direction so far.

Tibetan Associations and Cultural Schools in North America
The Tibetan community, is highly disturbed at the pace Tibetan children are becoming more and more ignorant about their language and cultural heritage. The community feels strongly, that they are paying heavily for coming to this Land of Opportunities. Therefore, in an attempt to let our younger generation know about their heritage, most of the Tibetan Associations have voluntarily started off Tibetan cultural schools- it is also known by weekend schools.

The parents are encouraged to send their children into these schools and currently, we have 24 such schools in US and 5 in Canada with a total of around 1500 -2000 children registered in these schools. 150 Tibetan teachers work in these schools during the weekend, mostly as volunteers. The schools are managed by respective Tibetan Associations and in few schools; Principals and Headmasters had been appointed to oversee the school management.

These volunteer teachers have good language proficiency and strong commitment. However, most of them do not possess teaching experiences, let alone formal teachers’ training.

Tibetan Associations in North America are requested to send us the names of their participants for the workshop at the earliest.


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