Washington-DC: On Saturday, 9 December 2023, Representative Dr Namgyal Choedup met with the North American Chapter of Flame of Hope, Ven. Yuzan Toyoda, Director of Global Social Action and Annie Bachmann, USA Executive Director, a global peace organisation that promotes the transformation of past suffering into future peace.
The “Flame of Hope” lit from the embers of the atomic bomb to foretell a future free from nuclear war and all weapons. It continues on its global pilgrimage and Representative Namgyal Choedup added his wishes and prayers to strengthen the power of the flame from the Office of Tibet, Washington DC.
Rep. Dr Namgyal Choedup shared how the Tibetan freedom struggle under the visionary leadership of His Holiness the Dalai Lama has adopted the path of non-violence and dialogue to seek a mutually beneficial and long-lasting peaceful solution to the Tibet-China conflict. He further expressed deep appreciation and support to the Flame of Hope for their tireless efforts to promote peace.
–Filed by the Office of Tibet, Washington-DC