Washington DC: Demo Rinpoche and Representative Ngodup Tsering attended the first ever Ministerial to advance religious freedom, convened by US state department from 24-26th July. The Ministerial was held in the State Department building in Washington DC.
Today marks the first day of MINISTERIAL which was attended by more than four hundred heads of religious organisations and civil societies.
Upon request, His Holiness the Dalai Lama deputed Venerable Demo Rinpoche as his representative to the Ministerial. His Holiness also, provided a Video message on the importance and religious harmony and freedom.
Ambassador-at-large, governor Brownback gave the opening remark.
Ambassador Brownback later invited Demo Rinpoche and Representative Ngodup to a private discussion on the sideline of the Ministerial and thanked the office of Tibet in arranging His Holiness’ Video message. He further asked Demo Rinpoche if he can be of any help for Tibet. Rinpoche, while congratulating the successful Ministerial, urged US government to continue to speak up and support for Tibet.
The personal stories by victims of religious persecutions faced in countries like China, Xinjiang ,Tibet, North Korea, Pakistan and Turkey were presented.
The Vice President and Secretary of State will address the Ministerial on the third day. The delegations will be invited to receptions by Deputy Secretary of State, John J. Sullivan and USCIRF