Friday, March 28 2025

Office of Tibet’s Year in Review Report

A Year in Review

Thanks to His Holiness’s blessings and guidance from Sikyong and Kashag, the Office of Tibet-DC (OOT) has completed yet another productive year in service of Tibet and its people. It is difficult to imagine that a year has gone by already—just like that. Summarizing everything that has happened during 2019 is not feasible, and perhaps of no interest. However, a few noteworthy events  are recounted below. 

We started off the year with a successful “Thank You America” event, which was presided over by the Speaker of the House, Hon. Nancy Pelosi, and graced by various Members of the US Congress, Ambassador Brownback, the CTA President, and other participants. The US Government Shutdown was occuring during this time, but as luck would have it, the shutdown was lifted just a week before our event—we were convinced that heaven is pleased with our effort. 

Thank You America Event

For the first time, we were able to bring a 6-member bi-partisan Congressional Delegation of the HDP to Dharamsala to meet with His Holiness and CTA Leadership. In response, the House Democratic Partnership’s President, Representative David Price, honored CTA President, Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay, with a grand reception in the Capitol. The Speaker, Hon.Nancy Pelosi, attended. This was first time CTA President was honored officially in the Capitol. 

The reception held for Sikyong Lobsang Sangay at the US Capitol—the first of its kind. Notable attendees: multiple representatives and Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The Office of Tibet is pleased to coordinate a successful visit for Ambassador Brownback, the Head of the International Religious Freedom-State Department, to Dharamshala, where he met with His Holiness and CTA leadership. 

Ambassador Brownback with His Holiness in Dharamsala

Alice G. Wells, the Acting Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of South and Central Asia, tweeted in support of Tibetans’ religious freedom after Ambassador Brownback’s Dharamsala visit prompted negative commentary from the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Another event that happened for the first time was the Town Hall meeting arranged by the China Commission Chairman Jim McGovern and RepresentativeTom Suozzi. It was held in the New York Tibetan Community Center. It  was attended by staffers of China commission and large Tibetan community. 

The US State Department, as usual, celebrated the Tibetan New Year, Losar, inside the State Department to honor Tibetan culture. A number of Government officials and guests attended the event. The Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia & Pacific spoke at the event followed by Representative Tsering.

Just last week, the House passed unanimously the “Tibet Policy and Support Act-2019”—the most comprehensive bill on Tibet to date, which sends a strong message to China. The bill can be found in the House as H.R. 4331 and in the Senate as S. 2539. Efforts are made to have the Senate bill passed soon.

Canada also had a very active year with political significance. The Senate Standing Committee on Foriegn Affairs,  conducted a hearing on human rights situation in Tibet, where CTA President testified and provided an in-depth briefing on the current situation in Tibet.  The Parliamentary Friends of Tibet, (PFT) organized a memorable event called “Tibet on the Hills” that was attended by Representative and several MPs. The Opposition leader of Canadian Parliament, issued a strong statement supporting  middle way policy of CTA.

Representative attended 7th World Parliamentarians’ Convention on Tibet, organized by TPIE in Riga, Latvia.

Educational and Cultural activities:

  • The OOT organized a first ever Education Summit, in collaboration with the DoE-CTA
  • The Representative participated in the Annual West Coast Cultural and Sports Meet in Portland, Oregon 
  • The First Taiwan International Religious Freedom Conference was held in Taipei, where the Representative participated. 
  • The Rep attended the Second Ministerial organized by State Department in Washington DC
  • The Office of Tibet organized a Secular Ethics and Leadership Workshop to college students and young professionals in NY.
  • His Holiness’s Birthday was celebrated uniquely, with performance from visiting TIPA artists. Office of Tibet, USAID, and GW University co-sponsored the event.
  • Two day annual NATA conference was held in SF Bay Area and was attended by more than 30 Presidents and board members of Tibetan Associations. 

Chinese Outreach:

  • In order to reach out to Chinese scholars, friends, and students, several Sino-Tibet dialogues/events were organized in Washington DC, Rochester, Minnesota, New York, and Toronto. 
  • Chinese democratic leaders and scholars, lead by Dr. Yang Jianli, attended the 60th Commemoration of the Tibetan National Uprising Day and issued a joint statement afterwards. 
  • The CTA’s Dhesung (Department of Security) Kalon was invited to the Laogai Museum at DC ; the event held at the Laogai Museum was called the “Symposium on the Sixtieth Anniversary of Tibetan National Uprising And Dalai Lama’s Exile”, it was solely organized by Chinese scholars. 
  • The Head of China Desk-Diir spoke on the June 4th events organized by Chinese democratic organizations at Capitol Hill and other venues
  • Chinese scholars and activists in the United States and Canada both issued joint statements on rejecting the Chinese government’s claims in the Dalai Lama’s reincarnation process.

VIP CTA Visitors to DC & North America: 

  • The CTA President: Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay
  • CTA Kalons for Home, Security, Education, and Health
  • Chief Election Commissioner
  • 4- Member Parliamentary Delegation from TPIE 
  • CTA Secretaries: for Education, Planning and SARD 
  • Head of China Desk-Diir.

The following are High Lamas who also blessed us with visit: 

  • Sakya Trizin Rinpoche
  • Gadhen Tri Rinpche
  • Drikung Chetsang Rinpoche
  • Menri Trizin Rinpoche 
  • Ling Rinpoche
  • Sharpa Choeje Rinpoche 
  • Jangtse Choeje Rinpoche

Desung Kalon speaking at the symposium 

Tibetan parliamentary delegation on their official visit to Washington DC

Health Kalon with Donna Bolin, the Senior Associate Director of Development, Dr. Richard Chaisson, director of the Center for Tuberculosis Research and a Professor of Medicine, Dr. Landon King, Executive Vice and Caroline Kensler, a Johns Hopkins staffer.


We arranged two public talks for Sikyong Dr. Sangay at the CSIS and Heritage Foundation. Both were great success. We met with a number of Members of Congress and State Department officials during the year. The Sikyong presided over the commencement ceremony of the Santa Fe Indian School at New Mexico and the visit was coordinated by the OOT.

US and Canadian Fundings:

We wish to thank the US Congress and the  Administration, for approving the same amount of funding this year, a total of US $6 million, to promote and preserve the Tibetan culture, language, and other discretionary necessities for the diaspora and $3m for strengthening the capacity of the Central Tibetan Administration.  Likewise, we are thankful for the Canadian Government, which approved 5.4m CD$ towards strengthening the CTA’s education efforts. 

Donors and Sponsors of TCDF:

We are indebted to generous contributions/donations from Dian Woodner, Ashish Kulshesthra, NED, Urban Mining Resources,( through Tenzin Jigme) and Garchen Rinpoche, due to which we were able to organize Secular Ethics and Youth Leadership  and Teacher Summit. Thank you! Also, thanks are due to many individuals who could not be mentioned for lack of space.

Lastly, a shout out to my Team at the Office of Tibet, for their dedication and commitment, without which it would not be possible. 

                                            OFFICE OF TIBET STAFF

                                        New Secretary, Tashi Dhondup la, joined recently.

We will commit to work harder, and we look forward to another eventful year: 2020.


Ngodup Tsering


Office of Tibet-DC

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