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Office of Tibet,DC Chinese Liaison Officer joins virtual commemoration of 31st Tiananmen Massacre and 1989 democracy movement

June 5, 2020

Congressman Chris Smith joins the live discussion on 31st Tiananmen Massacre and 1989 Tiananmen democracy movement organised by eight Chinese human rights and pro-democracy organisations.

Washington DC: On the evening of June 3rd, 64 Memo – Tiananmen Massacre Memorial Archives(六四檔案), China Aid (對華援助協會), Chinese Democracy & Human Rights Alliance(中國民主人權聯盟), Democracy Education Foundation(民主教育基金會), Democratic Party of China (中国民主党全委会), Federation for a Democratic China USA ( 美國民陣), Liberty Sculpture Park (自由雕塑公園) and Wei Jingsheng Foundation (魏京生基金會) jointly organized the 31st Tiananmen Massacre and 1989 Tiananmen democracy movement remembrance event through virtual participation.

This very event was urged by Mrs Jin Xiouhong and more than 50 Chinese organizations across North America supported her with participation. She was one of the delegate members who visited His Holiness in Dharamsala during the 60th commemoration of Tibetan national uprising day.

The entire event was divided into two sections. The first section with invitees from the east coast of North America and the second section with speakers from the west coast.

Chinese democracy movement leader Bob Fu speaking at the virtual commemorative event of 31st Tiananmen Massacre and 1989 Tiananmen democracy movement.

In the first session, Senator Marco Rubio shared a video message to support the event. Congressman Chris Smith joined live and shared his experiences in the US when the June 4th massacre was taking place in China.

Congressman James McGovern urged in his statement to stand in solidarity with victims of this massacre.

Former MP David Kilgour of Canada also joined to delivered message. Chinese democracy movement leaders like Bob Fu, Sheng Xue, Zhou Fengsuo, Chen liqun and many others joined the event to share their experience during the tragedy and they urged to strengthen unity to bring justice in China.

Representing the Office of Tibet, Washington DC, Chinese Liaison Officer Tsultrim Gyatso participated in this commemoration.

He introduced March 10th, A similar day like June 4th that all Tibetans around the world commemorates the National Uprising Day. Both days are movements to seek justice except Tibetans have been remembering for 61 years and Chinese democracy fighters for 31 years. Tsultrim expressed that young generation Tibetans are continuing the movement and urged the Chinese young generation to carry on the spirit of students in Tiananmen Square.

Tsultrim continued to explain the Middle Way policy of the Central Tibetan Administration that Tibet is not seeking independence but a genuine autonomy within the constitutional framework to preserve the unique culture and language of Tibet.

He added, as His Holiness always mentions billions of Chinese have the right to know the truth, they should have the access to know the students uprising in Beijing, Tibetan uprising and self-immolations in Tibet, internment camps in East Turkestan and millions of people marched in the street of Hong Kong. He urged that suppression policy is never an answer and Chinese leaders should consider changing their failed policies.

The commemoration event lasted around four hours with speakers from different organizations.

-Filed by Office of Tibet, Washington DC

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