Monday, March 3 2025

Message from Representative Ngodup Tsering highlighting Office of Tibet, Washington DC’s activities in 2018.

Dear Friends.
Happy New Year!

As we usher in New Year-2019, On behalf of the entire staff of the Office of Tibet – Washington, DC I would like to thank each and every one of you, who have generously extended your support and solidarity for Tibet and the Tibetan cause. I wish to express our deep gratitude to His Holiness for his profound blessings and relentless service to humanity, global peace and Tibet. Thanks are also due to the Honorable Sikyong and members of the Kashag for their guidance and support.

The year 2018 has been an eventful one for Tibet. The year ended on a high note when the US President signed into law the Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act. The new law denies entry to Chinese officials who prohibit American citizens, journalists and officials from entering Tibet on the basis of reciprocity. We thank Representatives Jim McGovern and Randy Hultgren, and Senators Marco Rubio and Tammy Baldwin for introducing the bills. We also thank the International Committee for Tibet (ICT) for steadfastly pursuing this major legislation.

The year 2018 began with a comprehensive report on Tibet by the US State Department, highlighting the gross human rights violations in Tibet. This was followed by a strong statement by US Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, Sam Brownback, calling for China to release Panchen Lama. Concurrently, the US Senate passed a bi-partisan resolution supporting among other things that reincarnations of lamas, including the 15th Dalai Lama, is the matter solely to be decided by the Tibetan Buddhist faith community. A US congressional delegation visited Dharamsala, met with His Holiness and with the Sikyong, to show their support for the Tibetan cause.

A number of US congressional committees also conducted hearings related to Tibet. The Congressional-Executive Commission on China, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and the House Foreign Affairs Committee all held discussions on human rights in China and Tibet. Dhondup Wangchen, who was imprisoned for 6 years for filming a documentary called “Leaving Fear Behind” about Chinese repression in Tibet escaped to the US and gave testimony at congressional hearings. The State Department convened first ever, three day, Ministerial’ for Religious freedom and Tibet featured significantly in the address of Vice President of the US. His Holiness’s video message was screened to the delegates.

Thank you Canada event organized with the presence of Honorable Minister for Multiculturalism Mélanie Joly and a hearing was arranged by the Canada’s Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Sikyong gave testimony to the complete satisfaction of the committee. A 29-member delegation of Museum Directors and CEOs visited Dharmsala to attend a Summit for Fostering Empathy and Compassion through Museum. It was our effort to promote His Holiness message of Secular Ethics and Compassion. We have organized three major interaction-cum reception with Chinese friends in New York, Washington DC and San Francisco.

On the domestic front, efforts to teach Tibetan language in weekend schools were intensified with two workshops for about 80 teachers, offered in Minnesota and New York respectively. Another workshop, on Secular Ethics and Youth Leadership, was arranged for youths, at the Karma Triyana Dharmachakra Buddhist center in Woodstock, NY. The 17th Annual Meeting of North America Tibetan Associations was held in Minnesota. Sakya Gongma Rinpoche and Gyalwang Karmapa Rinpoche both blessed us with their visits, among others.

The US Government very kindly provided three million dollars in additional funding for CTA governance and democracy, while the Canadian Government announced a grant of 5.4 million CAD towards CTA’s educational endeavors. We were honored that His Holiness’ 83rd birthday was celebrated at the Capitol building in DC, and that the US State Department celebrated Tibetan Losar at the State Department as in the past.

In short, the year just gone by has been quite memorable. Thanks to all of you who helped us in our fight for Tibet — there are more of you than I can name here.

Let’s work together to build on and make 2019 even more impactful for Tibet.

Thank you and Thuk-Che-Je!

Ngodup Tsering
Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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