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14th North American Tibetan Association held in Portland, Oregon

Washington, DC, June 9, 2015: 14th North American Tibetan Association Conference Held in Portland, Oregon.

The 14th North American Tibetan Association Conference was organized in Portland, Oregon by the Office of Tibet from June 5-7, 2015. 33 participants from 19 Tibetan Associations have passed 13 major resolutions and discussed several issues.

The Office of Tibet would like to thank the Northwest Tibetan Cultural Association for hosting the conference and all the representatives from various Tibetan Associations for their participation. We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, Linda Reed and the Omidyar Network for their support and participation.

Some of the highlights and resolutions passed includes:

  • Guideline for recognizing new Tibetan Associations in North America
  • Guideline for organizing major program including March 10th Rally
  • Guideline for reception of Tibetan Religious Head by the Tibetan Association
  • Appointment of advocacy officer among the board members of the Association
  • Tibetan Association of Northern California and Colorado each adopted Tibetan settlement under Sister Shichak program, and the Tibetan
  • Association of Minnesota and Portland have also agreed to review the program and select a settlement in India or Nepal in the near future
  • “March for Tibet” to be organized in Washington, DC and Ottawa to coincide with Tibetan National uprising day in 2016
  • The Tibetan Association of North America to facilitate the upcoming election of Sikyong and Chithue
  • Press Release on Dolgyal: “Shugden Question”

The Office of Tibet also arranged three different workshops to empower and acquaint the conference participants on following subjects:

  •  A Presentation titled “Keeping the Faith: Nurturing Identity of a Diaspora Community” by Rabbi Michael Cahana and Caron Rothstein from Jewish Federation of Greater Portland.
  • Workshop and discussion on board leadership, organizational development, and resource mobilization by Linda L. Reed, Certified Governance Trainer.
  • Tibet Advocacy in North America by Bhuchung Tsering, Tencho Gyatso and Andrea Worden from International Campaign for Tibet by Skype.

Presentation on the successful completion of Tibetan Community Center in Portland and a profile of the Northwest Tibetan Cultural Association by its President Rabgyal Moenbook.

Finally, the Tibetan Association of Colorado, New York & New Jersey, Utah and Vermont volunteered to host the 15th North American Tibetan Association Conference and by majority vote Boulder, Colorado was selected as the host of the 15th NATA Conference to be held from July 29-31, 2016.


The 14th North American Tibetan Associations (NATA) Conference held in Portland, Oregon, from June 5-7, 2015, has unanimously agreed and prepared this Press Release to affirm our utmost respect, faith, and commitment to follow His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s unbiased advice concerning Dolgyal alias Shugden issue for reasons including protecting the authenticity of the Nalanda Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, promoting unity and harmony among Tibetan Buddhist Traditions, ensuring the safety of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and safeguarding the well-being of Tibet and Tibetans. Most unfortunately, sectarian followers and activists of Dolgyal have stalked His Holiness the Dalai Lama across the globe including in the United States of America and Europe and shouted hostile and false slogans to tarnish the image of His Holiness.

Under the disguise of religious freedom, which they enjoy completely, they have verbally attacked the very person of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, leader of millions of Tibetans and Buddhists around the globe. His Holiness had simply advised Tibetans and followers of Tibetan Buddhism about the demerits of cultivating Dolgyal as protector, but has never forbidden to follow it. His Holiness has clearly said that it is up to the individual Tibetans whether or not they follow his advice about Dolgyal and if they do they should not come to his spiritual teachings especially commitment empowerments. Dolgyal advocates and protestors have hurt the feelings of Tibetans and admirers of His Holiness with their hostility and most disrespectful activism towards His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

His Holiness will be visiting the United States of America in July during which His auspicious 80th Birthday will be celebrated by Tibetans and admirers in Texas, California and New York. NATA has organized Tibetan Gratitude Event in NY on July 9 and 10, 2015 to offer Long Life Prayer Ceremony to His Holiness and also thank him for dedicating his life to global peace, inter-religious harmony and Tibet. His Holiness is not only the undisputed leader of Tibetans but he is also a Nobel Peace Laureate and unparalleled global moral leader. Falsely accusing him of banning religious freedom amounts to undermining global peace and harmony. Dolgyal protestors and activists have accused His Holiness the Dalai Lama as “Fake Dalai Lama” an allegation that even the Chinese government, their master, has not done. Therefore, NATA issues this press release to condemn the false propaganda and accusation of His Holiness and also inform the world that most Tibetans both inside and outside Tibet stand with His Holiness and his advice on Dolgyal issue. To Clarify Dolgyal alias Shugden question, we recommend interested individuals to visit www.tibet.net.

By North American Tibetan Association

Dated: June 7, 2015

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