We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting our 6th Annual Buddhism Retreat at Garrison Institute in New York. Please save the following date for the retreat: Check-in July 4th and Check-out July 8th.
Register online here.
The three-day Buddhism Retreat for University Students (Undergraduate and Graduate) and Young Professionals (ages 18 – 30) of Tibetan, Himalayan, and Mongolian descent will be held at the Garrison Institute, New York from July 4 to 8, 2016.
The retreat is FREE, but the participants have to bear their own travel expenses. The host organizations will meet the expenses of the participant’s board and accommodation at the Garrison Institute.
The participants must check in at the Garrison Institute on the afternoon of July 4 and check-out from the institute after the retreat on the morning of July 8th.
Accommodations are only available for a limited number of participants. so registration is first come, first serve basis.